Twitter has gained immense popularity. It is thronged by celebrities and important personalities. It has long been a platform of change. Since you can connect with important people directly on Twitter, it has added a lot of transparency. You can initiate campaigns, and oftentimes they are a big hit. People share their thoughts on Twitter via tweets and share others’ tweets by retweeting or engaging with them through likes and replies.  Without creating much suspense, let me get straight to the point; Can People See What You Search on Twitter?

Can People See What You Search on Twitter?

Social media platforms are only promising if they provide enough privacy to their users. You should be able to control everything related to your social media account. Twitter is no exception to this rule. Therefore, the answer to this intriguing question, “Can People See What You Search on Twitter?” is a simple NO! Twitter does not provide a way for people to see what other users search on Twitter.  However, people who have access to your device, account details, or browser history might be able to know and see what you search on Twitter. But that doesn’t happen quite often. In any case, you should always remain on the safer side and turn on the two-factor authentication for your app to keep your account safe. You should also keep your device from falling into the wrong hands.  Also, read How to Unfollow Everyone on Twitter 2022 | Easy 5 Methods to Unfollow on Twitter

Does Twitter Keep My Search History?

Yes! Like any other app, Twitter also keeps a tab on the search history of its users. That is why you should read the ‘Terms and Conditions” before signing up for Twitter. When Twitter offers recommendations, it utilizes your search history to create a profile of you and to show you additional content you might enjoy or find interesting. It also saves your search history to make it easier for you next time if you search it again.

How to Clear Twitter Search History

You can also clear all the search history if you don’t want it to linger on or if it has started to pile on. Here is how to do that. Also, read How To Read Comments On Twitter | Don’t Press Comment Icon!

What Information On My Twitter is Visible To Others?

When you sign up for Twitter, you are provided with two options; either to keep your profile public or private/protected. If you keep your Twitter profile public, almost anyone, including people who follow you or even don’t, can see your profile. Your public profile includes your media, tweets, likes, retweets, and replies. This is visible to all, and everyone can engage with your tweets. Also, if you like, retweet, or engage with anyone’s tweet, it automatically shows on the Timeline of the people who follow you.  If you decide to keep your Twitter account private or protected. Your profile is adorned by a little lock, indicating that this person’s account is not available to be seen by all. Only those whose follow requests you accept will be able to see your profile which includes your media, tweets, likes, replies, and retweets. Even if you interact with any other profile in terms of replies, retweets and likes, it won’t be available for anyone to see apart from the ones you allow. This setting allows you to totally control your profile. Also, read How to Change Twitter Display Name | Try New Twitter Handle on Mobile and Desktop

Can My Followers See What Videos I Watch on Twitter

No, followers can not see what videos you have watched on Twitter. You can easily watch any video and it is completely private. Also, you cannot see what videos your followers have watched on Twitter. Also, read How to Check Who Blocked Me On Twitter: Here’s the Easiest Way

Can People See What You Like on Twitter?

Yes, anyone can see what you liked on Twitter. Simply, they can open your profile, tap on the Likes button and see what you have liked. If you like any post on Twitter, notifications will be visible and anyone can see what you liked on Twitter. However, you can hide likes on Twitter easily, for this follow a few points- Also, read What Does Ratio Mean on Twitter: Know the Different Meanings

Wrapping Up

This article aptly covers the question, “Can People See What You Search on Twitter?” and some other general queries that come with it. Social media is a platform where users interact with each other on a daily basis, while some platforms are highly confidential about the user data, others are not. So you should always be careful about what to share on Twitter and what not. 


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