Combat skill is one of the most important skills when it comes to Dying Light 2. All the speed and special moves are essential to fight the Zombies in this post-apocalyptic world. But leveling up in Dying Light 2 is no easy task. Streamers and gamers are spending hours and hours to increase their game Level. But even after killing hundreds of zombies, increasing Combat XP seems like a far-fetched target.  Really? Not anymore! What if I tell you, there are faster ways by which you can increase the combat XP. Don’t believe me? You will after you’ll see all these interesting tips on the fastest way to get Combat XP.

What is the Fastest Way to get Combat XP in Dying Light 2?

Released on February 4th, 2022, Dying Light 2  has become one of the best upcoming games of 2022. It is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC. Now, wondering how you can reach the max Combat level Experience? Or what are the secret fastest ways to get Combat XP? Take a note of all these tips and facts, and by the end of this weekend, your Combat XP will be at your desired position-

1. Wait For Nightfall

Before you carry on with your fighting mission, wait for Nightfall. Why? There are mainly 2 reasons- Firstly, since its night time, there is a higher chance of you crossing the path with Zombies. And more Zombie killing is directly proportioned to more Combal XP. Therefore going for the hunt in the nighttime is a faster way to get Combat XP. Secondly, do you know that Aiden gets double experience points at night? It’s true. Completing the missions at night increases your Combal XP skills twice as compared to day fighting. Reaching your maximum Combat XP is already a difficult and time-consuming task. By reducing it in half will be a more efficient and faster technique to get Combat XP.

2. Start A Zombie Chase

Another efficient way to increase your Combat XP faster in Dying Light 2 is by starting a Chase. Remember the tutorial about sudden death? Well, you have to recreate it. Start a Chase by finding a Howler in the streets. When Aiden gets spotted by the howler, these yellow zombies start screaming, leading other zombies to you.  By poking a howler, you won’t have to worry about zombies, they will somehow find a way to you. And you get to kill a maximum number of zombies within such a short period of time.  Another reason why your Combat XP will increase faster is that this magnifies the bonus ratings.  The multiplier earns a double bonus or a triple. And if you are lucky enough you might eventually get a quadruple bonus.  What else could you wish for? This ultimate Zombie Chase is one of the fastest ways to get Combat XP in Dying Light 2.

3. Use UV Light as a Defence Weapon

Uv light is your Ultimate defense weapon against zombies in Dying Light 2. At the times of Combat, UV light can be the hidden secret that can make you win. Finding a UV light and keeping your back against it, will make sure that no enemies can reach you from the backside. This will keep all the enemies fighting from one direction only- Front! And well, you are a master of fighting enemies standing in front of you. By this, you will cause double the damage, and increase your Combat XP faster.

4. Fight Until Volatiles Shows Up

Killing the zombies and gaining the fighting Combat XP seems like an addiction. But be careful, too much greediness could harm you. If you die during the process, all the extra experience collected during the night will be lost. Therefore, if you are on the mission of collecting Combal XP, you have to make sure you survive the whole process. Gaining Quadruple experience by killing clubbing enemies can go in two ways. If they won’t strike back, it will be an easy gain but if somehow volatile zombies strike back, then you will be killed easily in 2 hits. Thus, upon spotting a Volatile, run fully into the UV light and wait for the chase to end.  Only then you will be able to avail the Combat XP that you have collected along the way. Follow these few tips, and you are good to go.

Wrapping Up

These are the simple yet faster ways to get your Combat XP. By keeping in mind certain tips and following all these tricks, you will be able to increase your Combat XP at double or even triple the pace.  Well, still here? What are you waiting for? Go, head on to Dying Light 2 and use these amazing ways to get your Combat XP. You can thank me later. I hope you have plotted out your strategy. Keep visiting Path Of Ex for such insights. And before you go on a record-breaking Combat XP mission, do not forget to share your thoughts.


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